Dear Member Cheat GG,
Bagi Donatur yang belum menerima token atau Token bermasalah secepatnya Hubungi kami. Kami siap melayani anda , walaupun banyak keterlambatan dalam membalas e-mail. Token sudah hanpir seluruhnya kami kirimkan kepada member Donatur. Bagi yang belum menerima silahkan kontak
Terima Kasih,
Team Cheat GG
Friday, December 6, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Kesempatan menjadi Member Premium buat Free User
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi anda yg belum menjadi Premium Member bisa mendapatkannya hanya dengan cuma-cuma dengan syarat yang cukup mudah :
1. Promosikan web kami pada 20 Forum yang anda ketahui.
2. Promosikan web kami pada 20 website yang anda ketahui
3. Berikan komentar terbaikmu pada 20 web atau forum yang kamu ketahui
4. Siap aktif dan mau bekerja sama dengan baik dengan tim kami.
Setelah memenuhi semua persyaratan diatas silahkan kirimkan bukti ss anda ke alamat promo e-mail kami :
Kami akan memeriksa e-mail yang masuk pada jam kerja. Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas akan langsung kami akan menjadi Premium Member. Terima Kasih.
Salam Team CheatGG,
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi anda yg belum menjadi Premium Member bisa mendapatkannya hanya dengan cuma-cuma dengan syarat yang cukup mudah :
1. Promosikan web kami pada 20 Forum yang anda ketahui.
2. Promosikan web kami pada 20 website yang anda ketahui
3. Berikan komentar terbaikmu pada 20 web atau forum yang kamu ketahui
4. Siap aktif dan mau bekerja sama dengan baik dengan tim kami.
Setelah memenuhi semua persyaratan diatas silahkan kirimkan bukti ss anda ke alamat promo e-mail kami :
Kami akan memeriksa e-mail yang masuk pada jam kerja. Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas akan langsung kami akan menjadi Premium Member. Terima Kasih.
Salam Team CheatGG,
Jaringan Internet di tempat kami mengalami gangguan
Dear Member CheatGG,
Mohon maaf yg sebesar2nya buat member cheat gg, Beberapa hari ini kami mengalami gangguan jaringan sehingga sulitnya mengakses blog dan e-mail, untuk kedepannya pelayanan dan update akan segera kami tingkatkan melihat banyaknya apresisasi dari teman2 semua yg telah menjadi Donatur kami.
Perlu di ingat kami tidak bisa melayani satu persatu e-mail dari member melihat banyaknya inbox yang masuk setiap hari mencapai ratusam. jadi untuk pertanyaan2 umum akan kami jawab dalam situs tercinta kita ini.
Salam team Cheat GG,
Mohon maaf yg sebesar2nya buat member cheat gg, Beberapa hari ini kami mengalami gangguan jaringan sehingga sulitnya mengakses blog dan e-mail, untuk kedepannya pelayanan dan update akan segera kami tingkatkan melihat banyaknya apresisasi dari teman2 semua yg telah menjadi Donatur kami.
Perlu di ingat kami tidak bisa melayani satu persatu e-mail dari member melihat banyaknya inbox yang masuk setiap hari mencapai ratusam. jadi untuk pertanyaan2 umum akan kami jawab dalam situs tercinta kita ini.
Salam team Cheat GG,
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Tool Masih Work Hingga Hari ini Telah kami Ujicoba
Tool Masih Work Hingga Hari ini Telah kami Ujicoba
Kepada member donasi kami memberitahukan kepada anda bahwa tool hingga saat ini masih work dan bisa digunakan jadi jangan ragu untuk menggunakanya karena tool kami menggunakan system anti banned.
Bagi kamu2 yang masih ingin menjadi donatur kami masih membuka kesempatan jadi silahkan bagi anda yang mau bergabung. Tata cara menjadi donatur lihat disini
Update October 2013
Melihat berbagai pertimbangan maka kami akan menunggu untuk Update kali ini setelah tanggal 10 setelah Big Update dari DN Indo. Agar tool tetap work dan stabil.
Terima Kasih.
Team Cheat GG
Terima Kasih.
Team Cheat GG
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Dragon Nest Goddes Compassion Exchange Tool V 1.0 Premium Edition
Dragon Nest Goddes Compassion Exchange Tool V 1.0 Premium Edition
Dengan tool ini anda dapat melakukan pertukaran Goddes Compassion dengan Gold Dragon Nest Indo
1 Goddes Compassion = 2000 Gold
Goddes Teardrop bisa didapatkan dengan menjalankan Daily Quest Riverwort Wharf
Dengan tool ini anda dapat melakukan pertukaran Goddes Compassion dengan Gold Dragon Nest Indo
1 Goddes Compassion = 2000 Gold
Goddes Teardrop bisa didapatkan dengan menjalankan Daily Quest Riverwort Wharf
Download Tool :
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
BIG Update Part 2 Agustus 2013
Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Goddes Compassion Tool Premium Edition V 1.0
akan kami release beberapa hari lagi
BIG Update Part 1 Agustus 2013
Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Tool Premium Edition V 4.0
Fitur Update Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Tool Premium Edition V 4.0
- New Server Void
- Fix Slow Connecting To Server
- XAT Engine Up
Download :
Friday, August 2, 2013
Update Terbaru Agustus 2013
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Update terbaru akan kami luncurkan pada pertengahan bulan agustus jadi harap bersabar. Kami akan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik buat member sekalian.
Salam team CheatGG.
Update terbaru akan kami luncurkan pada pertengahan bulan agustus jadi harap bersabar. Kami akan selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik buat member sekalian.
Salam team CheatGG.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Update Bulan Depan
Update Bulan depan :
- Penambahan Server VOID pada tool.
- New System Gold Hack dengan Goddes Compassion
- Open Locker
Salam Team CheatGG,
- Penambahan Server VOID pada tool.
- New System Gold Hack dengan Goddes Compassion
- Open Locker
Salam Team CheatGG,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Fix beberapa error bulan july
Dear Member CheatGG,
Untuk bulan ini kami tidak melakukan update karena tool masih work hingga saat ini. Tetapi kami akan melakukan beberapa perbaikan dan kekurangan yang masih terdapat pada tool kami. Untuk itu bagi para donatur yang masih mengalami beberapa error jangan khawatir, kami akan melakukan perbaikan tool yang labih baik lagi kedepannya.
Beberapa system server telah kami sempurnakan sehingga memperkecil kemungkinan terjadinya error dan tool tetap berjalan lancar sesuai yang diinginkan.
Salam Team CheatGG.
Untuk bulan ini kami tidak melakukan update karena tool masih work hingga saat ini. Tetapi kami akan melakukan beberapa perbaikan dan kekurangan yang masih terdapat pada tool kami. Untuk itu bagi para donatur yang masih mengalami beberapa error jangan khawatir, kami akan melakukan perbaikan tool yang labih baik lagi kedepannya.
Beberapa system server telah kami sempurnakan sehingga memperkecil kemungkinan terjadinya error dan tool tetap berjalan lancar sesuai yang diinginkan.
Salam Team CheatGG.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Tool Premium Edition V 3.0
Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Tool Premium Edition V 3.0
Dengan tool ini anda dapat melakukan pertukaran Goddes Teardrop dengan Gold Dragon Nest Indo
1 Goddes Teardrop = 1000 GoldApa Kelebihan Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition dari Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Free Edition
1. Tidak takut akan server kepenuhan diakibatkan banyaknya member yang melakukan Injeksi Ke Server Dragonest Indo
2. Dapat melakukan Injeksi berulang ulang
3. Dapat melakukan pertukaran sebanyak yang anda mau contoh 30 Goddes Teardrop Menjadi 30000 Gold Silahkan Liat SS
4. Aman dari Banned karena menggunakan Fitur Anti Banned Xat Engine
5. Menggunakan system AutoLock HWID
6. Fast Response Engine
7. New Feature Token
8. Anti Banned and Cloacking
9. Easter Limit Chance
Official Website :
Download Link :
Download :
NB: Silahkan Cek e-mail bagi para Donatur Token 25 Digit sudah kami kirimkan
Peringatan : 1 Token hanya bisa di gunakan oleh 1 Komputer kami akan membanned Donatur yang share token kepada user lain.
Greetz: dono, Kuro N3, OsloN, gohack, xfiles, hrd, RCD, Zenix, All member N3, All Member N3 C4 TTK
Created : T3am NighTtm4r3
Friday, May 31, 2013
Update Bulan Juni HOT!!!!!!
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Mudah-mudahan Update di bulan juni bisa berjalan lancar
tanpa ada hambatan. Update terbaru akan secepatnya kami
launching. Jadi tetap support kami untuk melakukan inovasi
terbaru dan stay tune di channel ini.
Team Cheat GG
Mudah-mudahan Update di bulan juni bisa berjalan lancar
tanpa ada hambatan. Update terbaru akan secepatnya kami
launching. Jadi tetap support kami untuk melakukan inovasi
terbaru dan stay tune di channel ini.
Team Cheat GG
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Update akan diluncurkan Bulan Juni
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Dikarenakan jadwal yang padat kami belum sempat mengupdate tool- tool terbaru dan membalas satu persatu e-mail member. Untuk update terbaru akan kami berikan pada Bulan Juni 2013. Tool Premium Goddes Teardrop dan lain2.masih bisa kami gunakan hingga hari ini jadi member tidak usah kuatir tool tidak akan work.
Bagi yang sudah donasi tidak usah kuatir update akan kami berikan secara cuma-cuma tanpa ada penambahan pembayaran. Untuk anda yang masih bingung menggunakan tool silahkan PM saya di forum N3.
Bagi anda yang belum menjadi Donatur kami masih memberikan kesempatan kepada anda menjadi donatur kami.
Salam Team Cheat GG.
Dikarenakan jadwal yang padat kami belum sempat mengupdate tool- tool terbaru dan membalas satu persatu e-mail member. Untuk update terbaru akan kami berikan pada Bulan Juni 2013. Tool Premium Goddes Teardrop dan lain2.masih bisa kami gunakan hingga hari ini jadi member tidak usah kuatir tool tidak akan work.
Bagi yang sudah donasi tidak usah kuatir update akan kami berikan secara cuma-cuma tanpa ada penambahan pembayaran. Untuk anda yang masih bingung menggunakan tool silahkan PM saya di forum N3.
Bagi anda yang belum menjadi Donatur kami masih memberikan kesempatan kepada anda menjadi donatur kami.
Salam Team Cheat GG.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
[Info] BUG Lelang
Siapkan dua Char A dan B
Clue : Tas A diisi penuh klo gag ada barang isi pot di merchant ampe penuh. Pergi ke TH mainkan cari barang yg mahal, ntar ada tulisan slot inven penuh. Buang 1 pot/brg. Gold Trade ke si B ntar ada tulisan Invalid Request bla bla. relog. Duit dapat barang dapat hehehehe. : ) Duit ada pd si B Barang ada pada si A.
Hati2 kebanyakan bug mengakibatkan ID anda kebanned.
Clue : Tas A diisi penuh klo gag ada barang isi pot di merchant ampe penuh. Pergi ke TH mainkan cari barang yg mahal, ntar ada tulisan slot inven penuh. Buang 1 pot/brg. Gold Trade ke si B ntar ada tulisan Invalid Request bla bla. relog. Duit dapat barang dapat hehehehe. : ) Duit ada pd si B Barang ada pada si A.
Hati2 kebanyakan bug mengakibatkan ID anda kebanned.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
[ FIX ] Solusi tidak dapat terhubung dengan server
Untuk solusi tidak dapat terhubung dengan server Silahkan Install jamu2 di bawah ini agar tool bisa bekerja.
- NET Framework Version 4.5
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
- Directx 11r
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
- Directx 11r
NB: Tool masih work hingga hari ini, jika anda kurang jelas silahkan lihat kembali Video Tutorial karena penjelasan sudah lengkap.Terima Kasih
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Tutorial Video Cheat Goddes TearDrop To Gold Premium
Sekarang kami telah menjelaskan secara mendetail selengkap2nya. Jadi bagi kamu yg masih bingung silahkan langsung lihat Video Tutorial agar tidak selalu bertanya dan bertanya. Video ini sudah lengkap dan komplit untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan member. Tool hingga saat ini masih work dan bisa kami gunakan.
Sekian Terima Kasih.
Team Cheat GG
Friday, April 12, 2013
Untuk Para Donatur Harap Bersabar
Dear Member,
Link Download Update Goddes Teardrop 2 Gold Premium akan secepatnya kami upload minggu ini. Jaringan Internet di tempat kami mengalami gangguan jadi kami belum bisa melakukan Upload.
Bagi kalian yang sudah menjadi donatur tidak perlu khawatir kami akan mengirimkan upload secepatnya ke e-mail masing2. Terima Kasih
Link Download Update Goddes Teardrop 2 Gold Premium akan secepatnya kami upload minggu ini. Jaringan Internet di tempat kami mengalami gangguan jadi kami belum bisa melakukan Upload.
Bagi kalian yang sudah menjadi donatur tidak perlu khawatir kami akan mengirimkan upload secepatnya ke e-mail masing2. Terima Kasih
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Kabar Gembira Di Bulan April !!!! Hot !!!
Dear Member Cheat GG
Bagi member Cheat GG karena banyaknya request yang ingin melakukan pembelian Gold dalam jumlah besar maka Kami Team Cheat GG menerima permintaan para Member.
Kami menyediakan Gold dalam Jumlah besar bagi yang serius dan minat untuk membeli gold dari kami. Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada member untuk membeli langsung dari kami seller terpercaya si semua Server Dragon Nest Indo.
Untuk harga pembelian Kami mematok per 40.000 Gold seharga Rp. 1 Juta
Stok yang kami sediakan hingga hari ini sebesar : 2.100.000 Gold Dragon Nest Indonesia. Bagi member yang tertarik dan serius melakukan pembelian gold dari kami silahkan mengontak e-mail :
Kami seller terpercaya dan terbukti. Kami tidak melayani pertanyaan2 bocah jadi hanya bagi yang serius.
Hormat Kami,
Team Cheat GG
Bagi member Cheat GG karena banyaknya request yang ingin melakukan pembelian Gold dalam jumlah besar maka Kami Team Cheat GG menerima permintaan para Member.
Kami menyediakan Gold dalam Jumlah besar bagi yang serius dan minat untuk membeli gold dari kami. Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada member untuk membeli langsung dari kami seller terpercaya si semua Server Dragon Nest Indo.
Untuk harga pembelian Kami mematok per 40.000 Gold seharga Rp. 1 Juta
Stok yang kami sediakan hingga hari ini sebesar : 2.100.000 Gold Dragon Nest Indonesia. Bagi member yang tertarik dan serius melakukan pembelian gold dari kami silahkan mengontak e-mail :
Kami seller terpercaya dan terbukti. Kami tidak melayani pertanyaan2 bocah jadi hanya bagi yang serius.
Hormat Kami,
Team Cheat GG
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition For Donatur
Dear Member CheatGG,
Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada member Cheat GG untuk menjadi donatur. Adapun kesempatan langka ini kami akan memberikan Tool yang sangat Spesial Buat para member kami yaitu Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition
Apa Kelebihan Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition dari Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Free Edition
1. Tidak takut akan server kepenuhan diakibatkan banyaknya member yang melakukan Injeksi Ke Server Dragonest Indo
2. Dapat melakukan Injeksi berulang ulang
3. Dapat melakukan pertukaran sebanyak yang anda mau contoh 30 Goddes Teardrop Menjadi 30000 Gold Silahkan Liat SS
4. Aman dari Banned karena menggunakan Fitur Anti Banned Xat Engine
5. Info bug dan cheat yang masih bisa di gunakan pada Dragon Nest Indo
Tata cara menjadi Donatur :
1. Cukup mengirimkan G-Voucher atau G-Cash sebesar 10.000 G-Cash ke alamat e-mail kami :
2. Kami akan memproses paling lama seminggu karena kami tidak bisa melakukan pengecekan e-mail setiap hari.
3. Setiap Donatur akan mendapatkan Token 25 Digit untuk memverifikasi kebenaran ID pada saat menggunakan tool Premium
4. Mengirimkan G-cash atau G-Voucher bisa menggunakan ScreenShot atau Mengetik secara manual G-Cash Contoh : QV0TP XDU3Q BU6MV 3AX6U LC6ST dan dikirimkan ke alamat e-mail :
5. Kami tidak akan memproses dan memblacklist IP bagi member yang coba melakukan penipuan dengan mengirimkan G-Cash Palsu atau yang sudah terpakai.
NB : Untuk menjadi donatur dengan mengirimkan 10.000 gcash bukan 1000 gcash lihat contoh gambar dibawah untuk voucher yang anda kirimkan.
Berikut adalah penjelasan yang sudah sangat jelas dan tidak perlu di jelaskan berulang-ulang dan kami tidak akan melayani bagi kamu2 yang bertingkah dan punya pertanyaan seperti bocah. Terima Kasih
Berikut adalah contoh salah satu tool andalan kami.
Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada member Cheat GG untuk menjadi donatur. Adapun kesempatan langka ini kami akan memberikan Tool yang sangat Spesial Buat para member kami yaitu Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition
Apa Kelebihan Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition dari Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Free Edition
1. Tidak takut akan server kepenuhan diakibatkan banyaknya member yang melakukan Injeksi Ke Server Dragonest Indo
2. Dapat melakukan Injeksi berulang ulang
3. Dapat melakukan pertukaran sebanyak yang anda mau contoh 30 Goddes Teardrop Menjadi 30000 Gold Silahkan Liat SS
4. Aman dari Banned karena menggunakan Fitur Anti Banned Xat Engine
5. Info bug dan cheat yang masih bisa di gunakan pada Dragon Nest Indo
Tata cara menjadi Donatur :
1. Cukup mengirimkan G-Voucher atau G-Cash sebesar 10.000 G-Cash ke alamat e-mail kami :
2. Kami akan memproses paling lama seminggu karena kami tidak bisa melakukan pengecekan e-mail setiap hari.
3. Setiap Donatur akan mendapatkan Token 25 Digit untuk memverifikasi kebenaran ID pada saat menggunakan tool Premium
4. Mengirimkan G-cash atau G-Voucher bisa menggunakan ScreenShot atau Mengetik secara manual G-Cash Contoh : QV0TP XDU3Q BU6MV 3AX6U LC6ST dan dikirimkan ke alamat e-mail :
5. Kami tidak akan memproses dan memblacklist IP bagi member yang coba melakukan penipuan dengan mengirimkan G-Cash Palsu atau yang sudah terpakai.
NB : Untuk menjadi donatur dengan mengirimkan 10.000 gcash bukan 1000 gcash lihat contoh gambar dibawah untuk voucher yang anda kirimkan.
Berikut adalah penjelasan yang sudah sangat jelas dan tidak perlu di jelaskan berulang-ulang dan kami tidak akan melayani bagi kamu2 yang bertingkah dan punya pertanyaan seperti bocah. Terima Kasih
Berikut adalah contoh salah satu tool andalan kami.
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition
Friday, April 5, 2013
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange V 2.0 Free Edition
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Free Edition
Dragon Nest Indo Gold Exchange Tool
Dengan tool ini anda dapat melakukan pertukaran Goddes Teardrop dengan Gold Dragon Nest Indo
1 Goddes Teardrop = 1000 Gold
Cara menggunakan Tool Exchange :
Anda memiliki minimal 1 Goddes Teardrop untuk di
tukarkan menjadi 1000 gold. Anda dapat menukarkan sebanyak yang anda
mau, misalkan anda memiliki 10 Goddes Teardrop anda bisa menukarkan
menjadi10.000 Gold.
Goddes Teardrop disimpan pada tas pertama Slot No.1, engine hanya bekerja pada slot no.1
Buka Tool ini lalu hubungkan dengan server dan
ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya hingga engine selesai melakukan proses
Akan ada notice bahwa anda telah selesai melakukan proses pertukaran.
NB: Saat ini kami membatasi Maksimum penukaran
Gold Hanya 5 Goddes Teardrop Perhari. Untuk menghindari terjadinya LAG
pada server dan Penukaran berulang-ulang.
Jika anda ingin melakukan penukaran berulang-ulang sebanyak yang anda mau silahkan menggunakan Versi Premium
Created : Te3Am NighTtm4r3
Download :
Untuk Update Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition akan kami update selanjutnya.
Preview Update April 2013
Dear Cheat GG Member,
Dikarenakan leletnya jaringan di tempat kami. Maka kami belum bisa melakukan Upload File Update Terbaru. Tapi sebelumnya kalian bisa melihat fitur2 apa saja ug diupdate bulan ini berikut SS nya :
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Free Edition
Goddes Teardrop to Gold Exchange Premium Edition
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Penundaan Update April
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Dikarenakan masih banyaknya bug yang harus kami fix maka kami melakukan penundaan untuk melakukan update di Bulan Hapil ini, so bagi kamu kamu yang gag sabaran menunggu kami akan secepatnya melakukan Update.
Tetap stay tune di Blog ini untuk mengecek update2 terbaru dari kami Team Inject Server. Cya
Dikarenakan masih banyaknya bug yang harus kami fix maka kami melakukan penundaan untuk melakukan update di Bulan Hapil ini, so bagi kamu kamu yang gag sabaran menunggu kami akan secepatnya melakukan Update.
Tetap stay tune di Blog ini untuk mengecek update2 terbaru dari kami Team Inject Server. Cya
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Mohon jangan melakukan penginjekan berulang-ulang mengakibatkan Server DN menjadi LAG
Dear Member Cheat GG,
Kami mohon kepada teman teman yg menggunakan Tool Dragon Nest Exchange Goddes Teardrop to Gold tidak melakukan injeksi berulang ulang karena beberapa hari ini mengakibatkan server Dragon Nest menjadi LAG
Cukup sekali sehari untuk menukarkan Goddes Teardrop anda menjadi Gold jangan di gunakan berulang ulang karena buat kepentingan kita bersama. Apalah artinya gold banyak kalau server maintenance mulu dan server menjadi LAG kita jadi gag bisa main
Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan Terima Kasih
Kami mohon kepada teman teman yg menggunakan Tool Dragon Nest Exchange Goddes Teardrop to Gold tidak melakukan injeksi berulang ulang karena beberapa hari ini mengakibatkan server Dragon Nest menjadi LAG
Cukup sekali sehari untuk menukarkan Goddes Teardrop anda menjadi Gold jangan di gunakan berulang ulang karena buat kepentingan kita bersama. Apalah artinya gold banyak kalau server maintenance mulu dan server menjadi LAG kita jadi gag bisa main
Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan Terima Kasih
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Dragon Nest New Level 60 Active Skills [Leaked]
Lately, I have been posting stuffs concerning on what will be the new skills that we will get when the level 60 cap update for Dragon Nest comes. Well, in one of my post,
I have listed some possible skills that might come in the future and,
most of them are ex versions of the current skill that we have. This
only means that it's only an improve version of our 2nd job advancement which enhances the range, AOE, damage, animation or even add some effects on that skill.
To tell you honestly, I am pretty disappointed knowing this as some of
the Ex version are not cool. In fact, I did cross my finger so that
there will be some active skills in the release of level 60 cap. And
luckily, that hope has been renewed as someone had emailed me this
morning saying that possibly, there will be active skills in the release
of the level 60 cap.
If Eric Shemolda is to be believe, then we will be having 4 skills in the release of the level 60
cap. It will be 2 ex versions of the second job advancement, one new
passive skill and one new active skill. Seems you are pretty excited
now? :D. Me too!
Anyway, this tips is supposedly leaked level 50-60 skills of the current classes of a Dragon Nest
server which has the update already. However, it has not been
implemented yet and we don't know if it's true yet but, I am still glad
that my hopes of having an active skill in the level 60 cap did not fade away just yet :D.
Well, we haven't got any images or videos. All that Eric sent me is a
bunch of text describing what would be the new active skills of each
class when the update comes. So here it is:
Note: The text where originally Japanese. And if my google translate serves me right, then my translation would be correct :D. I hope that I have translated this texts well (well it's the translators fault anyway so don't blame me.hahaha).
Vested with the sword: A passive skill which enhances the Gladiator's super-armor breaking capability (more like breaking point?)
The impact of cut: Instantly sprint to the front about 15m,
dealing damage to the enemy and breaking their super armor , and then
quickly back to hacking, the surrounding enemies within 7m which causes
great damage.
Aura Sword: A passive skill which enhances their magical damage permanently.
Moonlight cut: Jumps into the air and throw a moon-like wave of
sword (I think it's crescent) which will hit ground targets. the unit
hit by this skill will loss a certain amount of MP (The effect only
End of the blow: A passive skill which will make an enemy miss if
their life is below 50%. Nest Boss will not be included in this effect
but in terms of PVP, any enemy will significantly reduced their hit rate when this skill procs.
Burst Shock: A charge attack which damage an enemy and within a
certain time, a significant reduction in self-defense force, greatly
enhance the physical attack power, crit rate, destructive.
Life force: A passive skill which has a 25% chance to convert 50%
of your Life to damage (I think it will not reduce your life but if
this skill procs, 50% of your the amount of your life will be added to
your damage)
Death growl: A powerful howl which significantly reduces maximum
health of all enemies and defense, while the units in the state can not
jump, can not dash, slide or even roll.
Fire breaks: A passive skill which has gives a certain chance to Saleana
to convert the burn status they have inflicted to the enemy to their
Fire Dragon: Summon a fire dragon around in their own side, causing
damage and burning enemies around her. Flames randomly spreads in the
area causing great damage to surrounding enemies.
Cold: A passive skill which gives Elestra to freeze and enemy while doing a normal attack.
Ice land: Freezes the ground at your epicenter. The enemies
within this skill might slip while walking (more like wax), can not
immediately change the direction of movement, and when this skill
reaches its very end, it will melt and cause huge damage to the enemy.
Gravity control: A passive skill which enhances dark attack and defense.
Call Death: call a strong grasp of death around the enemy, so all
the enemies around in a certain period of time will be like dead
people. All enemies hit by this skill will be launch to the air, unable
to move and when they land, they will acquire additional damage
(redundant skill because of switch gravity I think. must be remove :D).
Light power: A passive skill which enhances the laser-like active skills of a Smasher.
Time and space area:
Create a space door which can let you teleport for 30m away. Then press
right click to then go to that door and teleport you and your allies to a
certain direction (whoa!). I don't know the mechanics of this skill but
this would be a fun skill to use obviously :D!
Armor: A passive skill which for every level of percentage
of permanent physical (I think he is talking about strength) enhance
their own defense force, and so by the magic damage have a chance to be
Justice of the gas: Send an instant breath of justice which all enemies 10m around the skill will be launch into the air and will cause great aggro.
Trial of wisdom: A passive skill, physical attack by a certain
minimum percentage increase in wisdom, in accordance with the minimum
magic attack power of a certain percentage increase in strength.
Holy trial: Calls upon the divine power and launch it in a straight line causing great damage to enemies within the range of the skill.
Totem master: A passive skill which has the chance to extend the duration of all relics on the field.
Purification of the hands: Summon the light to which then will allow you and your party to every to be immune to any elements. I don't know yet the range of this skill.
Lightning incarnation: a passive skill, standing immobile in a
place without using any skills in the case, then continued around the
production of their own lightning ball, and rushed around the auto
damage the enemy, and make electric shock.
Heaven Lightning: continuous casting, calls numerous lightning in
their own surroundings within the random bombing of the ground, hit
enemy on the fatal injury and then can launch them. Continuous casting
conditions can activate the embodiment of lightning. More like lightning rain!
Puncture: a passive skill, so that their physical attack with
arrows fired puncture function. Each penetrate a target, damage reduced
by 10%. The first attack on the unit damage increase 25%.
Slowly Arrow: Launch a very large and slow flying arrows to move
slowly in 2 seconds after the moment of the outbreak, spread into
numerous small arrow, a random track within 15m of the enemy kill.
Magic Arrow master: the passive skills, permanently enhance their own magic attack power.
Flower and Arrow: Arrow to air launch a plum, plum blossom arrows in the
air, to the surrounding petals to launch a strong attack.
Spiral fire: passive skills, so that ordinary attack, a chance to launch a small whirlwind attack.
Phantom Vortex: Call 2 or 3 black phantom possessed which can use any of
your skills and has a 30% damage. Shadow Clone Jutsu? :D. WTF!
Wind Walk: passive skills, tumbling again after clicking button to
launch the same direction, so that their speed improved significantly.
Blast feitui: its rapid flashes back and forth in a single target, on
target to play crazy shot. You can also wind-step mode, click the left
mouse button released.
So, after reading all the possible passive and active skills at level 60
cap, what do you think? Do you feel excited about it or do it needs
improvement? How do this skill looks like in action? Have your say on
our comment box. Share your thoughts about this post and also, you can
email us by clicking the "Submit Tips" section in our navigation bar to
send some early images or even your own artwork on how might this skill
look like in action.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Update Cheat Terbaru Dragon Nest April 2013
gag terasa kita akan memasuki bulan april.
Kami akan mengupdate beberapa cheat dan tool agar lebih sempurna dan aman.
Tool yg akan di update bulan depan :
1.Goddes Teardrop 2 Gold = fast Running server not detected
2. No Delay Skill + Exp = fast leveling to 50 1 hari bisa lvl 50
masih banyak tool yg akan kami share di blog ini jadi jangan kemana 2 tetap selalu cek update terbaru dari kami
Kami akan mengupdate beberapa cheat dan tool agar lebih sempurna dan aman.
Tool yg akan di update bulan depan :
1.Goddes Teardrop 2 Gold = fast Running server not detected
2. No Delay Skill + Exp = fast leveling to 50 1 hari bisa lvl 50
masih banyak tool yg akan kami share di blog ini jadi jangan kemana 2 tetap selalu cek update terbaru dari kami
Best Destroyer Skill Build in Dragon Nest
Destroyer are one tough mean fighting machine in Dragon Nest SEA. They
don't back down on fights! Instead, they are enjoying an "in your face"
kind of fight and loves to seek and destroy enemies. But the most
awesome feature of a Destroyer is its ability to break armors and land
critical hits to the enemies.
For those who have been waiting for a Skill Build for Destroyer in Dragon Nest SEA,
then this is your lucky day. Yesterday, I have bought a Job Change
scroll, change my Barbarian to Destroyer and, here I am, sharing my
Destroyer skill build to you. Before proceeding reading my guide, please
take note that my skill build focuses mainly on PVE. I have max out the
important Howls of the Destroyer and have learn the damager skills of
this class. In addition to that, I have allocated SP at the Warrior
skill tree just like what I have did on my Barbarian skill build. While
in the Mercenary skill tree, it's almost identical also on my Barbarian
skill build. The only difference is, I have level Flying Swing further
to get its Ex version.
Note: Please be reminded that this skill build is for the level 50 Cap only. It will change when the level 60 cap will come out.
Warrior Skill Tree
Heavy Slash- Don't add any SP on this skill. Has great damage
increment when leveled up and has a very low cooldown but, you won't
have space for this skill on your hotkey as you'll definitely prefer
those hard-hitting skills.
Impact Punch- Don't add SP on this skill. It might be useful in
PVP as it can launch a target in the air but, the damage isn't
significant when increased compared to other skills.
Impact Wave- Don't put SP on this skill. Has good damage, low cooldown and mid-range attack that can cause knock down but, the only problem is it uses the magical attack side of a Warrior.
Rising Slash- Level this skill to 6. A good skill to allocate
points to suffice the SP requirement on the Warrior skill tree to get
the Mercenary skills. In addition, this skill can be a good asset in PVP
as it can be part of your chaining combo.
Circle Break- I put the remaining SP on this skill. Has a good
damage when leveled up high plus, it has super-armor breaking
capability. Also, this skill can cause knock down to opponents in PVP
Highlander- Get this skill. You'll need this skill to ensure that you and your party will survive in tough Nests such as SDN.
Tumble-Max this skill. One of your evasion skill and as well as the skill you need to cast first to start off dashing.
Wake Attack- Put 1 SP on this skill. It let's you get back up immediately while doing damage when you have been put into the ground.
Dropkick- Personally, I don't like this skill. Other guide will say that it's helpful for Mercenary in PVP but the reality is, you won't even bother casting this skill in the field. Mercenaries often wants their opponents laying on their back than doing aerial combos. So, I think this skill will be useless for this class.
Sweeping Kick- I rather not get this skill and spend the SP meant
for to those skill which are really needed. Believe me, this skill
isn't that good as what they've said to be in PVP.
Soccer Kick- Put 1 SP on this skill for prerequisite. You really need this skill to get Soccer Kick Combo which will be your first attack to start a combo in PVP matches.
Dash Kick- You have the choice to get this skill or not. In my case, I don't get this skill as often times I use Soccer Kick Combo to do more damage than this skill.



Mercenary Skill Tree
Stomp- Personally I level this skill to 6 as a Destroyer as the
damage at this level peaks high and it has the ability to stagger
enemies. Lastly, the movement reduction can also be a good asset
especially in PVP.
Demolition Fist- For a Barbarian, this skill may have great
purpose as they might get the Ex Version for this skill at Level 60 Cap.
It does have decent damage when leveled up and has a decent frontal
AOE. However, for us Destroyer, we will be getting either Ring Bomb Ex
or Punishing Swing Ex. So, at level 50, I strongly suggest not to level
this skill high as there are no guarantees yet that we will getting a
scroll reset on level 60 cap.
Additional Note: For level 40 cap, level this skill high as at level 50, there will be a skill reset.
Additional Note: For level 40 cap, level this skill high as at level 50, there will be a skill reset.
Circle Swing- One of the most awesome skill in the Mercenary
skill tree. It does tremendous damage when leveled high and has a wide
AOE. But the best part is, it can launch enemies into the air and after
that, they fall down on the ground face first. A must max skill in the
Mercenary skill tree.
Whirlwind- Max this skill. Due to skill revamped, the damage
increment has become insanely high. Very good in terms of dealing damage
to the enemies.
Flying Swing- I'm not really a fan of this skill as it has a very slow casting speed. However, it can deal huge damage when it hits a tarfet and can launch them way up high into the air. Just put 6 SP on this skill to get its Ex version.
Punishing Swing- Put 1 SP on this skill. Not really a damage-type
skill but only a utility skill. It enables you to throw a ball at long
distance and when it hits, it can cause enemy to stagger.
Ring Bombs- This is one of my favorite skills in the Mercenary skill tree. It's a long range attack which causes a lot of mayhem. When this skill hits, not only that it will inflict a lot of damage but it will also launch the target very high to the air (and then they land flat on the ground). There's no other option than to max out this skill.
Rolling Attack- Max this skill for highest damage output. The
damage increment is insanely great when you level this skill. However,
it needs a lot of practice making this skill hit a target. In terms of
PVP, you need to be at a very close range to your target, then aim front
(facing him) so that you can carry him into the air and bring him down
to the ground with force. When you do this, the enemy will receive the
whole damage.
Crisis Howl- Put 1 SP on this skill, especially when you are a
PVP lover. You really need this skill to get out in times when you have
been staggered by the enemy and surrounded by a lot of threats.
Taunting Howl- I prefer to just leave this skill to 1 for utility
purposes.. This has the ability to threat enemies, reduce their attack
power and their critical rate which is good but, it's not GREAT. That is
why I prefer to level this skill to 1 and besides, I only need this
skill to flinch enemies.
Iron Skin- Max this skill. At max level, this skill give you a
45% super-armor for 30 seconds which will decrease the damage you taken
from enemy attacks and avoid being stunned.
Howl Charging- Max this skill. This skill should be max, especially when you plan to become a PVE-type Barbarian. In most cases, this skill is really needed to reduce both physical and magical and magical damage taken by the caster and the party.
Devitalizing Howl- Put 1 SP if you're a PVP type while max this
skill if you're going PVE. Aside from damage, it can silence enemies and
remove buffs casted by them. Can hit opponents while they are laying
helpless on th ground.
Dash Blow- Put 1 SP on this skill. After Dash, you can activate this skill to launch enemy into the air. A great skill to have in PVP.
Soccer Kick Combo- Put 1 SP on this skill. After Dash Blow, you
can then use this skill to kick the enemy and then perform a stomp at
the very end. Very good skill in PVP.
Battle Howl- Prioritize maxing this skill. One of the greatest
buffs in the game. It will give you and your party additional
physical/magical attack power, critical increase and high stun chance.
It has a 10 seconds cooldown and will last for 180 seconds. How good is
Havoc Howl- Max this skill. Release a furious roar to the enemy
which will decrease both their attack and magic power greatly for 20
seconds. A very usefull skill in terms of PVE and might also help in
PVP. Just make sure that your opponent is on the ground before you cast
this skill in PVP.
Ultimate Skills
At level 50 Cap, I highly suggest that you just get 1 ultimate skill and that is
Gigantic Bomb.
Other guide would say that you should get duo ultimate at level 50 cap
but I disagree with them. Think of this, it may be beneficial to get
Cyclone Axe
and have duo ultimate as you will be more versatile in doing so but the
fact is, at level 50 cap, you will be short of SP. You cannot max out
all the high damaging skills and as well as get Duo ultimate. So, I
rather just get 1 ultimate at the moment so I can max out the skills I
need for this build. At level 60 cap, well, that's a different story. :)


Destroyer Skill Tree
Breaking Point- Get this skill. The rate to trigger this skill
may be low as we can only allocate 1 SP at level 50 cap for this skill
but, you should get this skill as its very useful. When it is activated,
it will destroy the super armor of the enemy and you can land critical
Flying Swing Ex- Put 1 SP on this skill. With this passive skill,
you will inflict additional damage to your Flying Swing skill and also,
it will increase the frontal range of your skill.
Maelstrom Howl- Put 1 SP on this skill. One of my favorite skill as a Destroyer. Not only that it has a very beneficial suction effect, but it also has a damage reduction effect while its on action. The damage is pretty decent also leaving me no choice but to get this skill.
The next think you need to know is what skill heraldy plates you need
for your Destroyer. In my case, I find the following skill crests really
helpful for my character:
Whirlwind- +20% damage increase.
Rolling Attack- +20% damage increase.
Iron Skin- +20% buff duration.
Howl Charging- 20% decrease cooldown.
Optional (PVP):
Dash- 30% hit damage decrease
Side Kick- +50% action speed.
Gigantic Bomb- 12% decreased cooldown.
One last thing you might want to see is an image of my skill build for Destroyer. Here it is:
Level 40 Skill Build for Destroyer in Dragon Nest:
Level 50 Skill Build for Destroyer in Dragon Nest:
Level 40 Skill Build for Destroyer in Dragon Nest:
![]() |
Warrior Skill Tree |
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Mercenary Skill Tree |
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Warrior Skill Tree |
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Mercenary Skill Tree |
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Destroyer Skill Tree |
If you are looking for the recommended Destroyer Item Build, then I suggest you go to this link:
Recommended Destroyer Item Build
Did you find my article "Best Destroyer Skill Build in Dragon Nest SEA" helpful? If you do, then write down some feedbacks on the comment box or share your thoughts about my article. Suggestions and recommendations are also accepted.
Recommended Destroyer Item Build
Did you find my article "Best Destroyer Skill Build in Dragon Nest SEA" helpful? If you do, then write down some feedbacks on the comment box or share your thoughts about my article. Suggestions and recommendations are also accepted.
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